Co-op Garden Spotlight June 2024

co-op garden grand marais mn kjersa anderson annie albertson

Howdy from the garden!

Over the last few weeks we’ve been transforming our garden spaces – we removed weeds (a lot of em), amended the soil, installed a small second level, and planted perennials known to be good pollinators (with a focus on native species), and added a rain barrel to the side of the building.

Monday when we were planting was the most beautiful day of sun mixed with rolling fog.

The hours that we’ve spent outside have been so rewarding, both for just the joy of working in the dirt, but also how encouraging and helpful the owners and visitors alike were.

Even when the garden was looking its worst we got an unlimited amount of “it’s looking good”s. We also were able to crowdsource plants from community members who had extra seedlings or needed to split their plants.

Working with Kjersa and Annie (featured in the photo) on the Garden Committee has been a delight, watching the first bee land on the new iris will be one of my favorite memories from my years working at the coop!

Adam Mella
Ops Manager


PS – Thanks to Denny FitzPatrick for the photo of our gardeners. 

garden cook county co-op mn