Board of Directors

Email the board >


Current Board of Directors

Board meeting dates are also available in the news section of our website.

Being a Board Member is a great way to get involved in the planning that shapes this vital community resource. Terms of service are three years. Our focus is:

– To ensure sound management of the co-op
– To act as trustees on behalf of the ownership
– To set long-range goals and plan for the future

You can email the board at any time to request board minutes, share comments, ask questions, or attend a meeting. The board president receives the emails and shares updates on correspondence at the following month’s board meeting.

libby larson coop board

Libby Larson – President
Term expires 2025



amanda weberg co-op board cook county coop grand marais mn

Amanda Weberg – Vice President
Term expires 2025


kathy mcclure cook county coop grand marais mn Kathy McClure – Treasurer
Term expires 2025



Neil Pederson – Secretary
Term expires 2026



rocio rivas cook county coop grand marais mn

Rocio Rivas
Term expires 2026


Elunia Steckelberg
Term expires 2026



Holly Lamond board candidate cook county coop grand marais mnHolly Lamond
Term expires 2027