Hi Owners!
Elunia Steckelberg here. As one of your directors, I am the chair of the Owner Engagement Committee. This committee’s goals are to engage with owners in a meaningful way, to have opportunities to learn about your requests and needs, and to create opportunities for you to communicate with board members about the co-op’s ends or initiatives.
Our main goal is to organize and/or be present for board and owner engagement activities so, I’d like to ask you: How would you most prefer to engage with your directors? Please take our (less than 1 min) survey to let us know
Speaking of engagement activities, we have set a date for our summer Adopt-a-highway clean-up and are inviting owners to attend! It will be Wednesday, August 7th at 4:30 PM. We ask anyone who is interested to sign up no later than July 31st. The plan is to gather at the co-op and caravan to the piece of Hwy 61 that the co-op has adopted starting at the ranger station. After the clean up, the co-op will provide gift cards to all volunteers so everyone can grab something to eat. Contact us if you’d like to join.
Run for our board
If you want to be even more involved with the co-op in overseeing sound management, act on behalf of the ownership in meeting the co-op’s ends, and to set long-range future planning, the co-op board of directors would love to have you! We have one open seat to fill for the next 3 year term starting in 2025. Visit our website to learn more and to fill out/submit your member declaration of candidacy.