Owner Extra 10% off Co-op Deals *new owner benefit*

owner extra 10% off coop deals

Owners, your benefits just got a boost. Owner day is changing to owner DAYS with a 10% discount on Co-op Deals. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

The new benefit

– As of Feb 5, we said good-bye to 5% off on the 5th to bring you an extra 10% off Co-op Deals
– GOOD NEWS: there’s still free coffee and tea on the 5th
– This is an ‘always-on’ 10% off whatever National Co-op Grocers* has on Co-op Deals – not just on the 5th
– Look for the greens signs in the aisles, this includes everything we have on hand in our flyers and more
– The Owner Extra 10% off only applies to items on Co-op Deals (green signs)

Why the change?

– We strive to keep adding benefits that serve the majority of our owners and an extra 10% off on Co-op Deals benefits all owners instead of just those who can get here on the 5th
– There weren’t many owners who were consistently able to shop on the 5th to take advantage of the 5% discount*
– The owner extra 10% is always on, which means you can save 361 days a year (excluding the 4 holidays we’re closed)


There are no stacked discounts. Exclusions include:
– Good Harbor discounts (GH owners will receive one 10% discount on Co-op Deals)
– Good Harbor scholarships
– Wellness Wednesday (Owners will receive one 10% discount on Co-op Deals)
– BOGO (buy one get one free)
– Gift cards

owner extra 10%